The Infiltrators at Sundance Film Festival 2019
Nothing Good Come Easy Photoessay in Scalawag Magazine
Ethnic Studies NOW: Compton: Language of Power on Mujeres en Medio
Here is My Place screens at MIra III Film Festival in Germany
Here is My Place screens at VerCine in Brazil
International Woman's Day March Coverage for the Rivard Report
Rio on Watch on Here is My Place
Fellows Blog for Felsman Documentary Fellowship, Brazil
Vida Propia screens at Indie Grits Film Festival
Vida Propia screens at ILASSA Conference
Vida Propia and FARE featured in La Conexion
Interview with Sarah Garrahan and Nora Mendez on WXYC
Vida Propia featured on Duke Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Interview with Sarah Garrahan and Nora Mendez in IndyWeeek
La Cambra Fosca featured on Catalan Films, Spain
La Cambra Fosca screens at Corto Mieres Film Festival, Spain
Sarah Garrahan and Lauren Sanders featured in Austin Chronicle's 10 Under 10